Required Theories for Success CJ345-6: Analyze training and the application of l

Required Theories for Success
CJ345-6: Analyze training and the application of leadership theories within criminal justice entities.
Create a 10–15-slide PowerPoint presentation (excluding the title and reference slide) that applies critical thinking to construct persuasive arguments on the following:
Defend the theories required to be successful in supervisory practices in the criminal justice field.
Address the following issues in your presentation:
Include several theories that are essential for success in supervision.
Explain why each of the theories is important.
How do the theories impact supervisory practices?
Support the theories with research.
Your 10–15 slide requirement is excluding your title, introduction, and reference slides.
Use one basic slide design and layout.
Text large enough to be read by your audience (font size 20–34 point).
Limit slides to between 6 and 8 lines of content.
You may use pictures, animations, charts and graphs to supplement your material as long as they do not take up the entire slide
Use bullets for your main points.
Use speaker notes to fully explain what is being discussed in the bullet points as though you are presenting to an audience, being sure to follow the Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Notes Length: 150–200 words for each slide.
Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained.
Presentation should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
Appropriate citation style should be followed

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