Read Chapter 10 on inference to the best explanations. Take good notes. To do we

Read Chapter 10 on inference to the best explanations. Take good notes. To do well on the project, it is imperative you understand the main concepts.
Watch my lecture video: to an external site.
After reading through all six topics, decide on a topic. State your topic. You should only pick one topic.
Research your topic. Use CSN library databases. Use credible sources (see Chapter 6). List three or four credible sources (see Chapter 6). Use the proper citation method (APA or MLA). The textbook (or the video) can be a source.
State the phenomenon clearly and concisely. One (at most two) sentence(s)!
(a) Discuss several possible theories (or explanations) explaining the phenomenon. (b) Why did you choose those?
Use the T.E.S.T formula to evaluate each theory (or explanation).
Which theory do you find most plausible? Why?
Prepare a presentation. You are free to narrate a PowerPoint presentation, make a short movie, write a short story, or record a song. Or, if you have a better idea, do it. I will leave this up to you. Creativity matters here.
Topics (please choose one and ONLY one topic):
Topic 1:
Origin of the universe (watch this video first)
Fine-Tuning of the Universe- Reasonable Faith [HD](Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Topic 2:
Palm reading
Topic 3:
Psychic reading
Topic 4:
Crop circles
Topic 5
UFO sightings
Topic 6:
Moon landing
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