Question 12 pts Functions of Behavior may serve the purpose of: Group of answer

Question 12 pts
Functions of Behavior may serve the purpose of:
Group of answer choicesAvoiding an object or activityObtaining an object or activity
Getting attention
All of the above
Sensory Feedback
Flag question: Question 2Question 22 pts
All behavior:
Group of answer choiceshas communicative intentis random
is planned
is appropriate or inappropriate
Flag question: Question 3Question 32 pts
The __________________ Bill is the name of the California law that provides a framework for developing positive behavioral supports for people with disabilities.
Group of answer choicesDollarBehavior
Flag question: Question 4Question 42 pts
Under California law, all of these behavioral techniques are prohibited EXCEPT:
Group of answer choicesdenial of foodphysical restraint
vinegar squirts to the face
use of reinforcers
Flag question: Question 5Question 52 pts
Another name for the Premack Principle is the:
Group of answer choicesGrandma RuleRole of Order
Golden Rule
House Rules
Flag question: Question 6Question 62 pts
Extinction is sometimes called:
Group of answer choicesignoringcontingency
negative practice
Flag question: Question 7Question 72 pts
Exclusion means:
Group of answer choicesloss of a token reinforcermanipulation of meals
mechanical restraint
removing the individual from the activity
Flag question: Question 8Question 82 pts
Under California law, all of these behavioral techniques must be approved by the Human Rights Committee EXCEPT:
Group of answer choicesloss of a token reinforcerlocked time-out
mechanical restraint
unpleasant stimulation of sensory system
Flag question: Question 9Question 92 pts
When identifying an individual’s challenging behavior, it is important to take the following into consideration:
Group of answer choicesquality of life considerationsthe amount of autonomy and choice making they have
all of the above
their strengths and interests
Flag question: Question 10Question 102 pts
In order to prioritize challenging behavior, all of these questions should be considered EXCEPT:
Group of answer choicesDoes it interfere with acceptance by peers without disabilities?Is it a behavior that can be expected given the person’s cognitive level?
Does it interfere with the person’s ability to make educational progress?
Would the behavior become more serious without the intervention?
Flag question: Question 11Question 112 pts
In order to increase the effectiveness of a reinforcer you should:
Group of answer choicesuse the one’s you have used effectively in the pastuse edibles
pair it as closely as possible to the desired behavior
save the reinforcer until the end of the week
Flag question: Question 12Question 122 pts
Once reinforcer schedule is called a DRA (Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Positive Behaviors). Using this schedule, the focus person is reinforced for:
Group of answer choicesnot engaging in any physical aggressionnot exhibiting challenging behaviors
performing the positive behavior while the case manager is watching
exhibiting behaviors targeted for increase
Flag question: Question 13Question 132 pts
An antecedent occurs ___________________________ the behavior.
Group of answer choicesNo answer text provided.before
Flag question: Question 14Question 142 pts
The “B” in ABC stands for:
Group of answer choicesBaselineBiological
Flag question: Question 15Question 152 pts
Consequences occur ___________________ the behavior
Group of answer choicesduringNo answer text provided.
Flag question: Question 16Question 162 pts
When examining the consequences of a behavior, look at:
Group of answer choicesthe time of daythe activity
how others respond to the behavior
the setting
Flag question: Question 17Question 172 pts
A reinforcer does not seem to work because the focus person doesn’t know how to perform the desired behavior. This is a failure of the:
Group of answer choicesinstruction of the desired behaviorimmediacy of the reinforcer
frequency of the reinforcer
focus person
Flag question: Question 18Question 182 pts
The reinforcer seems to be losing it’s effect because the focus person reacts in a bored manner when given the reinforcer. This is a failure of the:
Group of answer choicesimmediacy of the reinforcerfocus person
frequency of the reinforcer
power and variety of the reinforcer
Flag question: Question 19Question 192 pts
Active listening is a de-escalation strategy that involves:
Group of answer choicesechoing the concerns of the focus persontime out
the use of physical interventions
changing the stimulus
Flag question: Question 20Question 202 pts
Effective interventions are based on:
Group of answer choicesintuitionwhat others think might be a good idea
past experience with similar behavior challenges
an understanding of the focus person and their environment
Flag question: Question 21Question 212 pts
Data collection should be done:
Group of answer choicesonly when you have tosystematically
in your head
Flag question: Question 22Question 222 pts
When collecting data, it is wise to:
Group of answer choicesobserve in different settings and activitiesall of the above
talk to people who know the focus person
collect observational data over multiple days or weeks
Flag question: Question 23Question 232 pts
INDIRECT methods of data collection include:
Group of answer choicesfrequency countsrecord reviews and interviews
ABC forms
Flag question: Question 24Question 242 pts
DIRECT methods of data collection include:
Group of answer choicesinterviewsrecord reviews
scatter plots, ABC forms, and frequency counts
Flag question: Question 25Question 252 pts
When conducting a record review, the following information is looked at:
Group of answer choicesprevious behavior plansNo answer text provided.
all of the above
individual and family support plans
diagnostic and medical information
Flag question: Question 26Question 265 pts
Please select each question that should be asked when developing a summary statement.
Group of answer choicesWhat intervention usually works with this behavior?Under what circumstances is the behavior least likely to occur?
What diagnosis or eligibility does the person have?
What interventions have worked for you in the past?
In what environment is the behavior most likely to occur?
What does the person get from the behavior?
Under what circumstances is the behavior most likely to occur?
What does the person avoid when they engage in the behavior?
Flag question: Question 27Question 275 pts
Please select all examples of a reinforcement principle.
Group of answer choicesPremack Principletimeout
time owned
tangibles (money, CDs, Certificates)
self-praise and self-satisfaction
social status and recognition
Flag question: Question 28Question 285 pts
Please select all of the behaviors that can be operationally defined.
Group of answer choiceshittingself-stimming
being disorganized
verbally threatening physical harm to others
being aggressive
hitting head with fist
hurting others
throwing materials
talking aloud during class without permission
showing disrespect
being uncooperative
Flag question: Question 29Question 295 pts
Please select each strategy that can be used in de-escalation of challenging behavior.
Group of answer choicesphysical intervention (as defined in Hughes Act)DRA
Premack Principle
time owned
stimulus change
active listening
Flag question: Question 30Question 302 pts
Overcorrection means having a person do something over and over.
Group of answer choicesTrueFalse
Flag question: Question 31Question 312 pts
It’s okay to withhold a meal to alter behavior.
Group of answer choicesTrueFalse
Flag question: Question 32Question 322 pts
Media influences how the public perceives people with disabilities
Group of answer choicesTrueFalse
Flag question: Question 33Question 332 pts
A functional assessment must be done prior to an intervention plan
Group of answer choicesTrueFalse
Flag question: Question 34Question 342 pts
A behavior can have more than one purpose.
Group of answer choicesTrueFalse
Flag question: Question 35Question 3520 pts
Analysis of Challenging Behavior Exercise
Be sure to respond to each of the four parts to this question- each is worth 5 points
Think of someone you know who engages in a challenging behavior.
1) Behaviorally define the individual’s challenging behavior so that it might be reliably observed and measured.
2) List the Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence(result)of the behavior
3) Speculate on the possible environmental reason for it.
4) Provide a possible skill that can be taught, or change that can be made to help the individual to get their needs met in a more positive way.

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