Project #1 Incident Response Report – Part A: Incident Response Form Download th

Project #1 Incident Response Report – Part A: Incident Response Form
Download the attached detailed assignment description for this project. You should also review the rubric shown below for additional information about the requirements for the project and how your work will be graded. Please make sure that you use both the assignment description file AND the rubric when completing your work.
For Part A of Project #1, you will complete the Incident Response Form (use the template found at the end of the assignment description file). Use the information provided in the assignment file and in Weeks 1-4 in the classroom. Consult the “Notes to Students” (in the assignment description file) for additional directions regarding completion of this assignment.
Project #1 Incident Response Report – Part B: Summary After Action Report
The assignment description file for Project 1 (both parts) is attached to this assignment entry. The same assignment description file is attached to the Project #1 Part A assignment entry.
For this part of Project #1, you will complete and submit a Summary Report in narrative format. Your report should have four major sections. The major sections are:
Analysis of the Incident (summarize what you know about the red team’s activities / the resulting security incidents using the information provided in the classroom and in this file)
Lessons Learned (what went wrong in the incident response process, what did not happen that should have happened)
Recommendations (what needs to change, who should take actions, what actions must be taken to improve the incident response capability)

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