Product Report Overview A. Write a review of a product using evidence-based rese

Product Report Overview
A. Write a review of a product using evidence-based research to analyze the product’s claim and critique the product and advertisement as a whole.
Paper Directions:
2.Your group will select a dental product advertisement that claims to do something, and ‘reserve’ that product with the instructor.
3.Find supporting research for the product or the active ingredient (HINT: the advert may have references listed to get you started, or you can try the company website).
4.Write an APA-formatted* review of the product, to include the following (see content expectations for appropriate location of questions):
a.Describe the advert and the product
b.Compare/critique the advertised benefits/claims with any supporting research
c.Is the research from a peer-reviewed source, or did the company conduct their own research? Is this research biased? Why or why not?
d.Could you find research to back the advertised claim?
e.Describe why you would or would not recommend this product to your patients, based on your research findings.
f.Did the ad provide enough information about the product? Why or why not?
g.Is the product ADA accepted?
5.This is a position-based paper, (your opinion based on the research you find) and should primarily have your voice throughout. It is expected that the student will paraphrase or quote sources as needed in proper APA format. Any paper comprised of more than 50% citations will automatically lose 10 points, as this does not meet the requested criteria. Please meet with your instructor if this is unclear.
6.The paper must be a MINIMUM OF 2 PAGES, excluding the title page and reference sheet
7.You must use a MINIMUM OF 2 REFERENCES
8.Attach a copy of the advertisement to the paper.
**APA format includes, but is not limited to: A title page, headers, introduction, subheadings, properly cited references, and a reference page.
Remember to cite any ideas, information, or content that is not your own in APA format!

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