POWERPOINT & PAPER Objective Create and present your full project. Deliverable

Create and present your full project.
Create a PP Presentation with narration for your project.
Step 1: Capstone Project
Create a PP Presentation.
Step 2: Consider
Must be no more than 15 slides
Title slide
Introduction side
Purpose slide
Literature review slides
Outcomes slide
Approach slide
Budget slide
Strategies slide
Results slide
Reference slide
Conclusion slide
Must include professional narration
Step 3: Create
Use the template attached below.
Step 4 Save and submit
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using Dropbox.
Feel free to refer to the template linked below for help with this project.
Bringing it all together.
Create the final paper.
Write 8-10 pages minimally (not including the title and reference pages).
APA formatted paper with an introduction and conclusion.
APA headings for each section of the paper.
At least 6-8 references.
Step 1: Capstone Project
Write a paper bringing all sections of the paper together.
Step 2: Consider
Title page
Introduction to paper
Purpose section
Literature Review section
Outcomes, Approach, and Budget section
Strategies and Results section
Reference pages
Step 3: Write
Write a paper that addresses the criteria above.
Use the template attached below.
Step 4 Save and submit
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using Dropbox.
Use the template linked below to create your final paper.

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