Please read this brief web article about the National Decline https://www.theat

Please read this brief web article about the National Decline Answer the following questions:
1) What are some of the reasons cited for the “Great American Crime Decline”?
3) Based off the Great American crime article- which factors do you believe are most important and why?
4) Based on the factors that you chose as most important, could these things change in the future and bring back another crime wave?
Listen to” Reply All (Gimlet): The Crime Machine” (Parts I and II),
Reply All (Gimlet) The Crime Machine Parts 1 and 2
According to the Reply All Podcast- what role did COMPSTAT play in reducing crime in New York City? What was the approach to addressing crime before COMPSTAT and how did the program change things? What unintended consequences did COMPSTAT create? How did the case of the NYPD 12 attempt to address COMPSTAT? What are the benefits and consequences of COMPSTAT? Is the program worth the trouble, can it be reformed, or should it be scrapped?

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