Make a PowerPoint on artist Mary Cassatt. You should do some findings on the er

 Make a PowerPoint on artist Mary Cassatt. You should do some findings on the era as well. Just as important, you do by examining and reflecting on the artist’s work. You must include at least three resources. These required three cannot include an encyclopedia (print or online.) it could be from Art through time: A Global view or any other source. 
Select 10 works that represent a theme or period. You might select works to compare and contrast. Or, the progress of artist’s work through time, reflecting maturity, descent into madness, change in politics.
Use images on explanation.
Outline and organize material.
Write an introduction, describing what the exhibit is about. It should include the artist, his or her significance, time period and, if appropriate, the movement. Explain what the exhibit is about.  
Then present the images along with about 50 words per image providing personal commentary on why they were chosen and their significance. This means that you must relate to a theme, the use of design, the specific use of the media, or otherwise part of the narrative as it relates to this course.
Finally write a brief closing, summarizing what you learned and what you hope that the viewer has learn
 include your three sources. You must list where you did your research on the last slide. Use MLA style to cite sources.
N/B at least 10 slides and colorful
 Objectives of PowerPoint:
 Identify characteristics of the work of a selected artist
Analyze the use of design principles and elements
Identify characteristics of various media
Compare the theme or purpose of a selected work of art with that of another culture.

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