Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing report and need the explanation and answ

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
question 1: Leadership Effectiveness Action Plan
This paper should be 5-7 (Approximately 1500-2100 words) page paper not including the cover page, table of contents, and reference page. It will be an integrative paper in which you summarize what you understood about leadership, assess your own competencies as a leader against theories, models, research, and proven practices of leadership, and develop an action plan for how you will continue to grow as a leader beyond this course.
Make sure to include a cover page, table of contents and a reference page follow APA guidelines.
Define what makes a great leader.
Your strengths as a leader.
Your weaknesses as a leader.
Discuss a self-assessment that you have taken this semester, for example, MBTI, OCEAN. What did you learn about yourself; how will you use this information for your future endeavors.
Identify your core values.
Write a personal vision statement based on your leadership development.
Analyze what others think of you.
Identify your current and lacking leadership competencies and traits.
Set goals to reach your leadership development.
Write an action plan for you. It must include the following:Goal
Specifications to take (Start with a verb!) For example, I will use, I will increase, etc.
Resources to assist in your development.
Your proposed timeline of reaching meeting your action plan.
The paper should include the following:
question 2: Journal Entry Requirements:Your journal entry is not for reciting facts, it is a self-reflection on what you have learned and how you plan to use or have used the information. Use concepts from the leadership text as must as possible to guide your journal writing. Keep entries to a minimum of 200 words unless otherwise instructed. You may add an interesting leadership quote or leadership cartoon. Reference the text for leadership concepts cited. You are required to complete a journal entry every three days. The journal entry is for you and me. You do NOT respond to any peers. Grades will be given based on content and word count. Feel free to use this word document to submit your answer or create a new document. Journal Entry Eleven: Did U.S. President Donald Trump and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson get elected because of their leadership competence or because of their confidence and charisma? Defend your answer.
write more than 250 words and references too

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