Last year, “a series of hijacked billboards have been popping up around Aberdeen

Last year, “a series of hijacked billboards have been popping up around Aberdeen (Scotland) in a bid to slam oil companies for “exploiting workers”. [in an attempt to sanction oil companies for exploiting their workers]
The fake billboards, aimed at oil giants like BP and Shell, came ahead of an important international conference attended by these oil giants.
“A group involved in the “Brandalism” network have put up their own adverts across bus stop and billboard spaces to “stand in solidarity with rig workers and demand better pay and conditions for them.”
Using the billboard in the photo, explain in a paragraph or two De Certeau’s concept of tactics.
The story is linked below, but you don’t need to read it in order to answer the questions.
NOTE1 : simply reproducing the content of the course slides will not be considered sufficient.
NOTE 2: if you wish, you may choose another photo from the article linked below, but please mention in your response what photo you are using.
Campaigners hijack Aberdeen billboards to slam oil companies for ‘exploiting workers’ ahead of energy conference. Aberdeen Live. By Shanay Taylor, 23 May 2022 to an external site.
Rig workers = the workers from the oil industry (they drill sites for petroleum).
Billboard hacking or billboard hijacking is the illegal practice of altering a billboard without the consent of the owner. It may involve physically pasting new media over the existing image,[1]Links to an external site. or hacking into the system used to control electronic billboardLinks to an external site. displays. The aim is to replace the programmed video with a different video or image. The replaced media may be displayed for various reasons, including culture jammingLinks to an external site., shock value, promotion, activism,[2]Links to an external site. political propaganda,[3]Links to an external site. or simply to amuse viewers. to an external site.

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