Introduction to Public Opinion and Propaganda Please watch the linked 3 films,

Introduction to Public Opinion and Propaganda
Please watch the linked 3 films, and write a report. Grading criteria : command of topic (3pts); analytic development (3 pts); organization (3 pts); syntactic variety and language (3 pts); & control of mechanics (3 pts): (15 pts; between 850 and 950 words for this report) – Please refer to the ‘Writing Assessment Rubrics Download Writing Assessment Rubrics’ on the Announcement Page for more details.

Assignments submission – file uploaded to an external site.
Introduction to Propaganda to an external site.
Propaganda and The Seven Techniques to an external site.
Noam Chomsky on Propaganda – The Big Idea – Interview with Andrew Marr
Your report should address two parts; 1) a summary of main discussions from the assigned materials (this process is an objective description) and 2) your reflective opinion on the discussions (this process is a subjective analysis).
IMPORTANT NOTE: (1) (Objective Description = a simple summarization), In this part, you should simply and objectively summarize the materials, definitely not put your ideas or opinions; and (2) (Subjective Analysis = your own analysis with your own words), in this part, you should not summarize the assigned materials, but develop and elaborate your perspectives and opinions on the discussing issues.
Please keep in mind that:
1) Summary of main arguments = objective description
2) Your reflection on the arguments = subjective analysis, interpretation
Writing an “objective description” is to summarize the reading objectively and value-freely, while writing a “subjective analysis” is to create your own analysis with your own words.

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