Intro to Modern Art – Week 5 Assignment Surrealism and de Stijl Write a 1000-wor

Intro to Modern Art – Week 5 Assignment
Surrealism and de Stijl
Write a 1000-word essay, citing at least 3 sources, in which you:
Discuss the features of surrealism in one Surrealist artwork (pp.915-922 Kleiner Ch 29).
Discuss Piet Mondrian’s concept of Neoplasticism (p. 922-23 Kleiner Ch 29).
Compare and contrast the visual stylistic features of surrealism and de Stijl.
Include the following aspects in the assignment:
Artist’s name, title, date, media of one surrealist artwork; artist’s name, title, date, media of one De Stijl artwork.
Explain the underlying ideology of each stylistic movement and identify any significant cultural influences
Describe the visual features of each style by applying the visual elements (line, space, shape, color)
Compare and contrast the styles of surrealism and De Stijl
View your assignment rubric.
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