Influencers of Consumption Write at least 400 words about factors in your own en

Influencers of Consumption
Write at least 400 words about factors in your own environment that affect your consumption.
To do so, here’s what I want you to do:
Think about what was discussed in the articles and in the videos related to factors in the environment that affect consumption (such as perceived variety, portion size, advertisement, other messaging, etc.).
Using a smart phone or digital camera, take a picture of some aspect of your own food environment that exemplifies one of these factors. It could be in a cafeteria, at a grocery store, on a billboard, at a friend’s apartment, or in your own cupboard at home.
Save the picture to your computer and attach it to your discussion board post. In your post, describe what factor from the articles and lectures this picture represents and the extent to which your own food consumption is affected by this particular factor. Also describe how often you interact with this piece of the food environment, whether it affects you positively or negatively, and the extent to which you believe you have control (i.e., could change) this piece of your food environment.
Using PubMed or another search engine, find one other peer-reviewed article focused on this piece of the food environment and describe its findings in relation to your own experience. Make sure to cite all sources in your post using the referencing style noted in Module 0.

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