In the top left corner of the first page of your paper, write ONLY the following

In the top left corner of the first page of your paper, write ONLY the following:
Your Name
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Do not put any identifying marks on subsequent pages.
Select one piece from the textbook you have listened to during the semester to discuss and analyze from the perspective of aesthetic beauty. In other words, choose one of the pieces you found to be beautiful. You will want to be objective when discussing the stylistic aspects, and use those stylistic points to illustrate what about the piece you find aesthetically pleasing. Outside sources, meaning sources beyond your own observations (the textbook, the CU library book collection and databases, and credible online sources can help you describe the composer or artist, the historical time frame that composer wrote in, and how the piece was composed within that historical time period.
Your paper should consist of six (6) paragraphs, and address the following issues in this specific order:
1. Identification: Name the piece, the composer and performer, the approximate time period in which it was written, and the style.
2. Consideration of context and the influence of assumptions: In what context was this example composed/performed/heard? What was happening historically at the time? What assumptions were made about this music at the time by the composer and audience, and what similar or different assumptions do you, and your contemporaries, make about this music today?
3. Communication of your own perspective: State very clearly what it is about this example that you find aesthetically beautiful. You can consider the melody, the instrumentation and/or sound quality of voice(s), the form of the piece, and the ambiance, or mood the piece creates for you as a listener.
4. Presentation of supporting evidence: Using the musical terminology you have learned this semester, describe the example appropriately to support your statement in paragraph 3.
5.Integration of your musical perspective with that of this musical style period: Reflect upon how you have been able to integrate this composer’s ideas about aesthetic beauty with your own ideas. How has your perspective been affected as a result of learning about this piece/composer/style? Has your perspective changed or remained the same? Do you have the same ideas about beauty that you had coming into this course, or have the possibilities been expanded?
6.Identification of your conclusions: What do you conclude about aesthetic beauty, overall, at the end of this process? What makes something beautiful? Explain what you found to be meaningful.
the song name is
Eurythmics, Annie Lennox, Dave Stewart – Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (Official Video)

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