In the professional nursing practice, nurses must provide unbiased care, even in

In the professional nursing practice, nurses must provide unbiased
care, even in situations where the person/s being treated have different
backgrounds (language, religion, culture, ethnicity, etc.) than you.
The first step in overcoming and minimizing personal biases is to
recognize them.
Answer, for yourself, the cultural assessment
questions. You do not need to turn in the answers. Answer the questions
honestly and to the best of your ability, noting that there are no right
or wrong answers.
Post at least 3 responses from answering the questions that you learned about your own culture that surprised you or that you were not aware was part of a cultural belief.
• Name one way you think your cultural beliefs affect your own health. Your example can be either a positive and/or negative affect.
• Give an example of a culturally appropriate health promotion and disease and injury prevention intervention. Explain what makes it culturally appropriate. You can use yourself as an example.

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