In the next class session, we will engage in some mathematics problem solving an

In the next class session, we will engage in some mathematics problem solving and we’ll discuss strategies children use to solve division problems. This assignment will help you prepare for part of that session by getting you thinking about division; it will also help us gather division strategies from you to discuss in that session.
Task 1: Try Dividing Using Invented Algorithms
Download this “Lin’s Bakery: Developing Division Strategies (Part 1)
” handout. Following the directions in the handout, solve problems #1 and #2 using two different strategies other than the standard US long division algorithm. You can do your work on a separate sheet of paper if you need more space.It’s okay to use direct modeling and counting & adding/subtracting strategies, but try to use at least one invented algorithm if you can. If you’re really stuck, consider exploring the “Optional Division Resources” below – but that’s not necessary!
Here’s what the standard US long division algorithm would look like for both problems, so that you can try to avoid using it.
Part 2
In this assignment, you will interview someone about their mathematical thinking. You will plan the interview by choosing problems to pose, conduct the interview, and write an analysis of two problems you posed. Do the following to complete the assignment.
Try to conduct your interview by Friday, July 21nd, so that you have a week to complete your analysis by Friday, July 28th. I will accept, without penalty, assignments that come in after that date.
BEFORE the Interview
(1) Read the Interview Assignment Guidelines & RubricLinks to an external site.
This document describes what you will do in the assignment, provides guidelines to help you write your analysis, and contains the rubric.
Read it first to get a sense of what you will be doing and help you prepare to conduct the interview.
(2) Read and make of copy of the Interview Analysis TemplateLinks to an external site.
You will write your Interview Analysis using this template
Skim or read it now to get a sense of what you’ll need to write so that you collect what you need during the interview.
(3) Read the Interview ProtocolLinks to an external site. to prepare for your interview
Use the Interview Protocol to choose problems for your interview and for advice about interviewing.
AFTER the Interview: Write your Analysis
You will write your analysis using you downloaded above. Note that you’re only writing about TWO problems, not all the problems you posed.
(1) Watch this videoLinks to an external site. for advice about writing the analysis. This video for a different class, but the two pieces of advice hold here as well.
(2) Read/skim this annotated sample work
to get a sense of what a strong analysis looks like
Download & review this sample work, paying attention to the advice in the comments. Email me if you can’t see the comments.

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