I want to make an online books collection website, that has a page for authors a

I want to make an online books collection website, that has a page for authors and then when you click on the author name it takes you to a few books that author has (with pics of book covers)
Project: Create your personal website (or any interesting idea you might have!)
The website must have at least three pages
The pages must be linked with each other so any page can be visited from any other pages.
All pages must be compatible in either desktop or mobile devices.
You can keep your webpages as simple as you want but make sure you are using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript somewhere in your codes.
You can choose any layout of your interest; design yourself, be creative as you design.

Example: If you choose to create your personal webpage:
One page may include:
Introduce yourself
Include your photo
Other two pages can be whatever you like. Some examples are:
One of these pages could be your CV in details.
Use grid/flexbox/tables/lists to showcase your education, experience, etc.
One of these pages could be your project portfolio.
Include some images and desсrіptions of the projects you have done so far in difference courses.
One these pages could be a login page that direct to a blog page after the login.
Members should be able to login with their username and password.

Other ideas (we welcome new ideas of yours!):
Online pizza ordering system
Housing price estimation
Currency conversion

Some instructions to create your website locally in your computer (you do not need to follow all the instructions below, but this might be helpful):
Create a folder and give any name, say ″cs351_final_project″ or something you like.
Put your homepage ″index.html″ in this folder
Put your other pages ″my_page_name.html″ or similar here as well.
You can create other folders inside the cs351_final_project folder, something like images or styles:
Save all your images in this folder and use this file path wherever you use any image in your webpages
Save your css files in this folder, and link them in your webpages where required.

Zip the root folder, e.g., ″cs351_final_project″ or the one you created and upload in the Canvas.
If you can upload to a domain, share the link.

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