I need a 10 slide power point that includes the following: information source.

I need a 10 slide power point that includes the following:
information source.
Type your report using APA style (Purdue OWL) Use writing studio for help with APA style
Length: 7-10 pages-slides (including title page, pictures, references, etc). Submit the report on
Blackboard or as per instructed.
Presentation Guidelines:
Topic Overview (brief paragraph on the disease-infection) references!
Case Description
How did you diagnose the patient?
Answer the questions included in your case study (If any)
Name of disease
Clinical Diagnosis
Signs and symptoms
Laboratory Diagnosis
Laboratory results and other studies when requested.
Differential Diagnosis
Causative agent characteristics
Epidemiological statistics (CDC.gov)
Pictures, photos…etc
References (minimum: 5). If you cite a webpage also provide the original scientific paper(s) as the
Use PowerPoint (saved as .ppt or .pdf).
You can use pictures and videos pertaining to your case (less 4 minutes)
Limit/organize the writing on the PowerPoint
Reference all information as required.
Please examine the examples provided in the Discussion Board.

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