I have an article that has to be translated to Arabic with an understandable mea

I have an article that has to be translated to Arabic with an understandable meaning and also the idiomatic meanings should be translated into Arabic like for example in the article it says “Soon after he joined Barack Obama’s ticket in 2008” If we have to translate, it should be translated with words that fit in Arabic we can’t say “قريبا بعد ان انضم الى تذكرة اوباما في ٢٠٠٨” Because basically this is wrong and doesn’t have any meaning.
This is the link to the article
This information should also be provided:
Section one: 1. ST Profile – 2.TT profile
Section two: 1. ST Link – 2. Translation of ST
Section Three: 1. Problematic cases – 2. Strategies used to deal with problematic cases
For more explanation:
When removing or adding or changing a word or doing anything should be explained with a table like this sample that I will send as a doc file. Go to the end you will see a table that provides a table that shows every change that has been made to the article. So basically you have to explain the idiomatic cases that you changed like the one I said at the beginning “Soon after he joined Barack Obama’s ticket in 2008” and there are many others.
So before accepting my offer read it carefully because I need a very good translation and chat with me if you didn’t understand something.

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