for Analysis: “Hot House” composed by Tadd Dam for Analysis: “Hot House” composed by Tadd Dameron
Critical listening is a priority for this course.
ASSIGNMENT: 10 pts Submit your paper in pdf form only. No docs, word, pages, or Google docs accepted.
Include the following in your essay:
Song title
Composer and Jazz Style
Name of Performing Artist/Orchestra or Group
Include the number of times you listened to the piece
specific descriptions/observations of the selected five topics below –
(refer to Elements of Music in your textbook). Use music terminology
correctly. You may need to research the Internet for data. DO NOT
PLAGIARIZE someone else’s words! An anti-plagiarism program will be
used. Be thorough and use complete sentences, not buttons.
Type five well-written paragraphs for the Five topics listed below (2 pts each):
INSTRUMENTS AND PERFORMANCE: Identify and spell correctly the
instruments used, perhaps their priority to the piece, as well as
anything remarkable about the performance, ie. techniques, virtuosity,
2) SOUND: Including use of dynamics, overall major or minor
key, emotions evoked, was timbre(s)/tone color a priority? (paragraph).
RHYTHM: Including meter(s), tempo(s), beat, retardation and
acceleration, pausing & stops, pattern(s), contributing instruments,
was rhythm a priority? (paragraph).
4) MELODY: Including
contributing instrument(s) to melody, climax, shape, range, themes,
motives, form, syncopation, virtuosity, was melody a priority?
5) HARMONY: Including contributing instrument(s) as
accompaniment for the melody, texture(s), chords, consonance/dissonance,
tension – release, was harmony a priority? (paragraph).
Optional 2 pts Extra Credit: Offer a short piece of trivia or fun facts that pertain to either the song, composer, or performers.
AGAIN, Submit your paper in pdf form only. No docs, word, pages, or Google docs accepted.

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