How are school counselors an integral part of substance abuse prevention? What a

How are school counselors an integral part of substance abuse prevention? What are programs or strategies that you will implement as a school counselor to prevent substance use and abuse in the students and families that you serve?
General Assignment
All topicsintroduced in the prompt are fullyaddressed.
All topicsintroduced in the prompt are addressed.
Some topicsintroduced in the prompt are addressed.
The prompt is not addressed in the response.
More than 10 complexsentences.
7-10 complexsentences.
4-6 sentences.
1-3 sentences
Arguments and/or statements are logical and supported by information from the text and articles.
Arguments and/or statements are logical but made with little or loose support from the text and articles.
Arguments and/or statements are logical but not supported.
Arguments and/or statements are not logical.
Response makes clear connections to current or past experiences in the classroom, school, or political environment.
Response makes loose connections to current or past experiences in the classroom, school, or political environment.
Response makes little real life connection.
No attempt is made to connect prompt to real life situations.
Response is free from grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
A few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors exist, but they do not impact the understanding of the reader.
Severalgrammar, spelling, and punctuation errors exist.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors impede the understanding of the reader.
Response to Peer (You must respond to two peer initial responses per discussion forum)
3 pts. each
General Assignment
Response provides constructive criticism or information.
Response provides no constructive criticism and demonstrates little understanding of the content.
Student does not respond to the initial response or the response is inappropriate.
More than 5 complex sentences.
3-5 complexsentences.
1-2 sentences.

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