Hi similar to last work do this: collins, ancient near eastern context (*focus

Hi similar to last work do this:
collins, ancient near eastern context (*focus on 32-49, dealing with ancient religion)
genesis 1-3
clines, “god in the pentateuch,” 187-211
if you have never read the texts of the pentateuch or you want a refresher, I recommend watching these animated overviews: genesis (part 1 and part 2); exodus (part 1 and part 2); leviticus; numbers; deuteronomy
worksheet questions (remember to include quotes from the texts):what stands out to you about ancient near eastern religion as either strikingly different (from your experience of religion) or curiously familiar?
what parts of atratahasis, enuma elish, and the epic of gilgamesh did you find most surprising?
in what ways was Egyptian religion different from Mesopotamian religions? which of the two would you gravitate towards and why?
how does genesis compare to the mesopotamian religious texts? provide specific examples.
in your own words, what is a novel? what does it mean to think of the pentateuch as a novel? why might this be helpful?
what do you think clines means when he writes, “reading against the grain implies that there is a grain”? why does clines think it’s important to read texts against the grain? can you think of other examples of reading text(s) against the grain? in case you’re interested:
you can even get your own ‘epic of gilgamesh’ rolling pin!

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