Hello, TASK 1 : Please The assignment description and questions are in this fil

TASK 1 :
Please The assignment description and questions are in this file
Lab 6.docx ( attached below )
Cluster Analysis
Data file(s):
Please complete your work directly in the original lab word file and save it as YourFirstNameLastNameLab#.
All graphs should have your first and last name in the footer when possible,
otherwise your screen shot should include the top of the window which shows your file name that includes your first and last name.
This assignment will be assessed for plagiarism.
TASK 2 ::
You will review the discussion assignment that was submitted in the previous week. Please follow these steps not to lose points.
First post your discussion assignment part I here
Request reviews of at least 2 randomly selected classmates.
You can request more if you want, but keep in mind that one student cannot review more than 2.
If your request cannot be completed by your classmate send your request to others.
If someone requests your review please complete the review.
But don’t forget, you are responsible from reviewing 1 or 2 submissions.
If you receive more than 2 requests just complete by using first-come-first-served policy and kindly notify the others that you cannot review their submissions.
See the rubric for details.
General Reminders:
The discussion assignments are reflective and are designed for you to share your thoughts and experiences related to the topic presented.
To earn full points on discussion boards, students must
be actively engaged in the group discussion and
provide input to each of the assigned questions.
It is expected that your responses bethoughtful,
grammatically correct, and
reveal your understanding of the topic being discussed.
It is required that you post your reflection by Sunday of the assigned week and
that you provide a substantive response to one or two of your classmate’s reflections by the end of Sunday of the following week.
Unless previously approved by the instructor, no late submission is allowed and any discussion or review submitted after the due date will receive a zero.

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