Full Concert Report details. (You Tube Video) ASSIGNMENT: *You are required to a

Full Concert Report details. (You Tube Video)
ASSIGNMENT: *You are required to attend “live” concerts: Scroll down to find specific details for this assignment.
These TWO assignments are You Tube videos. One for the Orchestral concert and one for the Jazz concert. Submit your assignments in Canvas/Assignments. The links for each video are in “Assignments”
Each Video Concert Report is worth 20 points.
Print the “Form for Concert Report Submission” from the link on the left side of this page. Have the form with you as you watch the video concert as a rough draft and fill in the blanks – use it to take notes on the back, etc. Next, you should open the form in Adobe and type in your answers, and convert to pdf for your final product to turn in. Do not hand write your answers.
Finally, please include a short paragraph showing what you took away from this concert experience. I will grade the report based on: “college-level academic work,” effort put forth, neatness, thoroughness, and correct use of musical terminology. Each report is worth up to 20 points.
BE RESOURCEFUL! You may have to do some research/review to complete some of the questions, such as the texture, elements, composer & style. You might need to approach the performers and ask some questions.
SUBMIT: Post your FORM with PARAGRAPH in Canvas/Assignments. No Google docs. Convert to pdf for best results.

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