For the Historical Issue Survey you are tasked with picking an issue from the cl

For the Historical Issue Survey you are tasked with picking an issue from the class to write about. If you would like to make sure your topic is adequate or meets the requirements, it is suggested you contact me via Canvas message or in Zoom time I’m in my office. If your topic does not meet the requirements I will ask you to do it again, even if you are finished. A lot of times this has to do with a topic not being present in the time period here.
After deciding on an issue, the first page of the assignment (about 400-450 words) should detail the issue as it was in the time period. To make this claim you will likely need to use a primary source.
The next page (about 400-450 words) should contain your critique of the issue as it pertains to the time period in question. To make this claim you will likely need to use a scholarly source.
The last page (about 400-450 words) should contain a discussion of how this issue still persists in modern America.
Each Historical Issue Survey should be about 1200-1350 words. You must cite your sources with Chicago Style, MLA, APA or any other format with which you are familiar. You must also include a Works Cited page, which is not part of the word count.
This is a MANDATORY ASSIGNMENT, and the skills assessed on the Assignment will be at my discretion. If you feel as though you warrant a Skill that was not assessed then you can petition to garner the Skill with a 100-150 word statement in the Comments.
Possible Skills used in Assignment:
Skills List
Primary source – find and use a Primary source
Secondary source – find and use a Secondary source
Scholarly source – find and use a Scholarly source
Source analysis – show proficiency in using sources
Writing a thesis statement – write an argumentative statement that contains a position (a stance you will defend in the essay) and a claim (justification for that stance)
Providing evidence – give evidence that supports the thesis statement in the form of a quotation and citation
Developing an argument – develop an argument around the thesis and the evidence
Critical Thinking:
Current events – apply a historical source or event to current events
Understanding intersectionality – applying concepts of ethnicity, race, sex, gender and class to historical contexts
Pattern recognition – understanding historical and symbolic patterns
Understanding bias and perspective – recognition of bias in all sources, including primary
Applying terms and concepts – using historical terms to explain content
Application of Knowledge:
Recall of history – ability to recall historical aspects and use them in their context
Applying historic understanding – use of events, people, or places in student’s work
Historic proficiency – full understanding and use of historic events, people, or places.
Please focus on religion and Reform. I attached a document that you can use to get examples from.

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