For the assigment the case study below will be used Purpose of Assignment Polic

For the assigment the case study below will be used
Purpose of Assignment
Police officers have incredibly difficult jobs. They are tasked with addressing every societal failure, which can weigh heavily on them, while also balancing their personal lives and addressing their families’ needs. Thankfully, officer safety and wellness resources are becoming increasingly available; however, the policing profession continues to experience higher rates of suicide, divorce, and addiction than the general public. While it is easy to encourage officers to seek help, doing so is not always simple. The purpose of this assignment is to place you in the position of an officer and encourage you to think about how you would handle the situation.
Assignment Requirements
For this assignment, you will read through a case study and answer three questions (found within the case study chapter). Your response to each numbered question must be at least four complete sentences. Since the case study has three numbered questions, you must write at least 12 sentences. You will be graded on:
The quality of your writing (i.e., response free of spelling and grammatical errors)
Your ability to critically think about the scenario
Your ability to follow assignment guidelines (i.e., four complete sentences per question)
Student exhibited a strong ability to critically think, and his/her response was of high quality and adhered to assignment guidelines.
≥ 90%
Student exhibited an ability to critically think, and his/her response was mostly free of errors and adhered to assignment guidelines.
≥ 80%
Student’s ability was weaker or his/her response contained several errors or failed to adhere to guidelines.
≤ 70%
Student’s response did not reflect an ability to critically think, and his/her response was of poor quality.

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