Fentanyl is arguably one of the most dangerous drugs ever created. It is 50-100

Fentanyl is arguably one of the most dangerous drugs ever created. It is 50-100 times more powerful than morphine (Fentanyl)). China is still one of the primary sources of fentanyl and it comes through Mexico and across our porous borders (Fentanyl Flow to the United States. ). Drug manufacturers and traffickers are known to lace other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, etc. with trace amounts of fentanyl so that drug users get a better high and become repeat customers of their product. So, anytime someone buys an illegal drug in the U.S., there is a chance that it is laced with trace amounts of fentanyl and could easily result in an overdose. Is it any wonder that we have such an increase of overdoses? (Overdose Death Rates.
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