Engage with the following material, and guiding questions. Respond to the questi

Engage with the following material, and guiding questions. Respond to the questions in a write-up. Your entire write-up should be roughly 400 words (~200 & ~200).
Review: Statistics: Look at these statistics on crime(FBI, 2019)What do you notice? Does anything surprise you? Who is committing the majority of the crime? Does this fit the cultural/social narrative we have about crime? How so? What do you normally see in the media?
Relationship Between Poverty & Crime: Read this article Abstract(note this is old data)What does it say is the relationship between poverty and crime? What then are the implications for this? The article mentions some solutions, what do you think some other solutions are?
PBS Video: The Racist Origins of U.S. Law (12mins 58sec)Keep in mind: Who makes our laws? What motivates those individuals?
Who enforces laws (do you know much about the average policeperson? Consider looking this info up)
If White individuals commit the majority of crimes, why then are People of Color 5 times more likely end up incarcerated?
Atlantic Video: Mass Incarceration, Visualized(2min33sec)
Vice Video: New ways private prisons are making billions (10mins30sec)Who (individuals, corporations, the government, owners of prisons etc.) financially benefits from mass incarceration?
Who pays the price for mass incarceration? How?
How does mass incarceration relate to immigration?
What is a ‘sweetheart deal’? You may want to use the Google AI tool, Bard to ask about this.

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