Effects of Crisis and Abuse on Children and Adolescents Research and Reflection

Effects of Crisis and Abuse on Children and Adolescents Research and Reflection Paper 100 pts. (8-10 pages)
Review the literature about the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents’ emotional, physical, and social development and reflect on the implications for your practice SGC 532 Literature Review & ReflectionSexual Violence Among our Students:
The School Counselor’s Legal Role
ASCA School Counselor
The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Counseling Implications
ACA Vistas
A Counselor’s Guide to Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention, Reporting, and Treatment Strategies
Scoring Guide
100 points
Below 70
Source Documentation
Includes citations for 9-10 scholarly studies about topic
Includes citations for 6-8 scholarly studies about topic
Includes citations for 3-5 scholarly studies about topic
Includes citations for fewer than 3 scholarly studies about topic.
InTASC: 9d
CAEP: A1.1, A.1.2
All scholarly studies clearly related to the topic, the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents.
Most scholarly studies clearly related to the topic, the effects of crisis, and abuse on children and adolescents.
Some scholarly studies clearly related to the topic, the effects of crisis, and abuse on children and adolescents.
Few scholarly studies clearly related to the topic, the effects of crisis, and abuse on children and adolescents.
Source Relevance
All sources are current, published within the last ten years
Most sources are current, published within the last ten years
Some sources are current, published within the last ten years
Few sources are current, published within the last ten years
Literature Review
InTASC: 9d
CAEP: A1.1, A.1.2
Overall topics/headings based on themes/threads throughout the literature are developed and supported with citations from all the literature
Overall topics/headings are developed, but they do not represent theme/threads throughout literature and are supported by only a few studies
Scholarly studies are described in separate un-integrated sections of the paper
Scholarly studies are listed with little description
Discussion within the Lit Review
InTASC: 9d
CAEP: A1.1, A.1.2
Includes discussion of relevant theories thoroughly explaining relationship with topic, the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents
Includes discussion of relevant theories briefly explaining relationship with topic, the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents
Mentions relevant theories but does not clearly connect to the topic, the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents
Includes discussion of theories, but they are not relevant to the the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents
InTASC: 9d
CAEP: A1.1, A.1.2
Reflection makes clear connections to SGC content
Reflection makes loose connections to SGC content
Reflection makes little connection to SGC content.
No attempt is made to connect the experience to SGC content.
Response is free from grammatical errors
A few grammar, spelling, or punctation errors but they do not impact the understanding of the reader
Several grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors impede the understanding of the reader.
Assignment is submitted by the due date.
Assignment is submitted one day late
Assignment is submitted two days late
Assignment is submitted more than two days late.
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