Effects of Crisis and Abuse on Children and Adolescents Research and Reflection

Effects of Crisis and Abuse on Children and Adolescents Research and Reflection Paper 100 pts. (8-10 pages)
Review the literature about the effects of crisis and abuse on children and adolescents’ emotional, physical, and social development and reflect on the implications for your practice SGC 532 Literature Review & ReflectionSexual Violence Among our Students:
The School Counselor’s Legal Role
ASCA School Counselor
The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Counseling Implications
ACA Vistas
A Counselor’s Guide to Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention, Reporting, and Treatment Strategies
Reply to Calli and agree with her
My most recent experience of school crisis happened at a school that I taught at the previous year in a neighboring district. That middle school had three students pass away this past year and it was a very dismal time. The second death actually occurred on school grounds when a 7th grade boy collapsed at basketball practice. The closest AED was very far away at the football field and it was very traumatizing for those students on the team and classmates. That students’ death had a huge impact on all local districts and how well they are equipped for emergencies.
As a school counselor, dealing with crisis such as this is very troublesome. It’s important above all else to support students as best we can and keep the needs of staff in mind as well. While the school counselor cannot handle the needs of every student suffering during crisis, it is important to evaluate the need and call in help when needed. Additional therapists can come to help students if that need occurs. It’s also important to keep an open line of communication between parents, students, and teachers during these times to ensure that everyone is getting the help they need to properly cope with such tragedies. Reply to Erin and agree with her
I am in the process of transitioning into a school counseling role currently. However, I have worked as the Youth Service Center Coordinator for two schools in my district for the last 6 years. During my second school year, our community was struck with tragedy and the loss of four students in three separate car accidents. These events happened on three different occasions; however, they all took place over the span of a year. Our school district brought in mental health therapists in our area to sit in the library for the day. We informed staff and students that this was available to them should they need to speak with someone. I also sat in with the school counselors and outside therapists for the day to meet with students and staff as support. Another role I played in this was identifying students who were particularly close with those that we lost and touching base with them. Those who did not come to school that day, we did go and visit at their homes. This affected the ENTIRE school district and community. It wasn’t isolated to only the students’ close friends. We had teachers that lost students whom they had known for multiple years and students who were impacted by the atmosphere at school in general. When we came into school that day and once students started arriving you could feel the loss of those students. It was a very sad and quiet day in our halls. The school counselors and I also attended the funerals of these students to offer support to the families and students who attended.

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