Each student will attend a group counseling session or a psychoeducational group

Each student will attend a group counseling session or a psychoeducational group session. AA or NA meetings or any type of 12 step meetings are not acceptable, as these meetings are peer-led. The student will complete a four to six-page report(not including cover page or references page) describing the group session, the session goals, relevant group dynamics, leadership activities demonstrated during the session, critical or challenging incidents, examples of the use of planned change processes (assessment, intervention, evaluation), the overall effectiveness of the group session, the apparent client satisfaction, and other significant observations and reactions to the session. A discussion Saint Leo University core values is to be included, as well as comments on lessons for your own practice with groups. Be certain to obtain all necessary permissions and to honor the group session expectations regarding confidentiality and appropriate participation. Students will also report on their experiences in class. Students must read and refer to one related scholarly journal article on group work when completing this assignment. Please carefully read the assignment rubric for each of the graded components. THIS CAN BE A MADE UP GROUP!!!

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