Community – Roseland in chicago Community Practice Competency Group Presentation

Community – Roseland in chicago
Community Practice Competency Group Presentation (100 points): Competency 1-1.1;1.2; Competency
2-2.1;2.2; Competency 3-3.1;3.2; Competency 6-; 6.1; Competency 8-8.2;8.4. In groups of five students (if
class size permits) your group will be assigned one community in the greater Chicago-land area that has a “high
impact need” as related to supporting the 10,000 recent asylum-seeking migrants. Your instructor will assign you
to a group. This assignment consists of a group presentation (PowerPoint of Prezi including title page and
reference, but NOT artifacts); a round table discussion related to your s community project with integration of
course content (Krogsrud-Miley Chapter 10 and other sources may help guide this discussion). This presentation
can be submitted to D2L by ONE group member and the cover page must have the names of EVERY group
member. Please decide which of your group members will submit the presentation
make a presentation slide about the below section about the Roseland neighborhood in chicago
Environmental factors in the community (i.e. natural and person-made factors which affect the
functioning of the community, examples include large factories, rivers, forests pollution produced
in the community, etc.
Description and listing of resources (schools, grocery stores, medical facilities, parks/community
centers, recreational amenities, restaurants), and resources related to supporting new migrants
few resources (research more websites)

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