Choose a quote from one of the videos and another from the the required reading.

Choose a quote from one of the videos and another from the the required reading. Use bold type on the two quotes you choose. Include the name of the video (name of video) and the name of the text including page number, e.g., (Moore, 36).
In Part 1 summarize four points of a story in Wisdom Walk in the chapter on service that you find interesting. Stories to choose from: “The Road to Recovery,” “Many Ways to Serve,” “Burden Turns to Blessing,” “Can You Give Too Much?” as well as the opening story, and the stories told in “Challenges and Progress on the Path.”
In Part 2 comment on the four points you discussed in Part 1. Include what the story teaches you about the wisdom practice: Be of service to others. Relate your own experience, or lack of experience, of being of service to others to illustrate your insights into the practice of service. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)

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