Choose a quote from one of the videos and another from the the required reading.

Choose a quote from one of the videos and another from the the required reading. Use bold type on the two quotes you choose. Include the name of the video (name of video) and the name of the text including page number, e.g., (Moore, 36).
In Part 1 describe four defining characteristics of cults and how they differ from denominations, sects, and new religious movements. (Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)
In Part 2 address the following questions (and include your own views about these questions):
What is most interesting thing about cults and the Jim Jones massacre?
How are cults are a danger to society?
In what contexts is the term “cult” used inappropriately ?
any other examples of cults in the 20th and 21st centuries
(Number your points 1-4. Spend 2-3 sentences on each point.)

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