CHAPTER 1 EXERCISES Define project planning and scheduling. Differentiate betwee

Define project planning and scheduling. Differentiate between the two terms.
What is a project. What makes planning and scheduling construction projects different from general planning? (Hint: Think of the key words in the definition of project.)
Are the following projects? If not, make modifications that would qualify them as projects:
Repair of a broken diesel generator
Raising my two kids to be the best
Cooking daily for my family
Preparing for my son’s wedding
Investing in the stock market
Periodically backing up the data on my hard drive
Converting my garage to a play room
Define portfolio and program in the context of project management. Give examples of each.
What is a project management plan? Give an example.
What is project control? Why is it important?
Think of a construction project in which you participated or that you observed. Write down the steps involved in its planning and the steps involved in its scheduling (without much specificity).
List the benefits of CPM scheduling in construction projects from the contractor’s perspective.
List the benefits of CPM scheduling in construction projects from the owner’s perspective.
Do all construction projects have the same need for CPM scheduling? Why or why not? Give examples.
What characteristics must a scheduler of a building project have? Can the same person be a scheduler for an industrial project? Why or why not?
Meet with a project manager for a construction project. Ask whether he or she uses CPM scheduling. If so, discuss the benefits obtained from such scheduling. If not, politely ask why.
Search for an article on a CPM scheduling topic (ENR, Civil Engineering, PM Network, and Cost Engineering are magazines that are good sources; avoid scholarly journals). Summarize and discuss the article.

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