Case study: – word count 1,500 – 2,500 words 45 Marks You are the HR Director of

Case study: – word count 1,500 – 2,500 words 45 Marks
You are the HR Director of AAA insurance company and until now you have taken a traditional approach to recruitment and selection. However, you have been noticing modern trends around the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for recruitment and selection, and you think there is a lot of value in adopting this technology.
Your CEO, Mr. Hamdan Mashrqy, is skeptical of modern technology, and you will need to negotiate with him to adopt AI for recruitment and selection. It should also be noted that Mr Mashrqy does not like complicated language, and your negotiation will be more successful if your proposal is written in plain English.
Write a proposal report in plain English, making the case why AAA should start to invest in the HireVue AI technology. Use the language of counter-argument and argument to ensure you are persuasive. Refer to any published evidence to help support your proposal.

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