Below are several prompts that you can use to structure your summary of the NYT

Below are several prompts that you can use to structure your summary of the NYT article on Centenarian tortoises:
What was the purpose or objective of this article?
What aspect of the article did you find to be most interesting? How does it relate to your own life and life experiences?
Did anything in the article relate to something we have discussed in class? If so, what was it?
What aspect of the article was most confusing? Are there any controversies the author discusses in the article?
What was the most important point of the article, that is, what is the message the article is trying to convey? Does this article’s information affect you or your life in any way? If yes, how? If not, why not?
What question would you like to ask the author to increase your understanding of his/her subject area or the article itself?

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