Attached Files: File CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf –

Attached Files:
File CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf CHS252 Unit 3 Assignment.pdf – Alternative Formats (219.72 KB)
File CHS252 Theme Web Template.docx CHS252 Theme Web Template.docx – Alternative Formats (63.487 KB)
File CHS252 Web Theme Example 2022.pdf CHS252 Web Theme Example 2022.pdf – Alternative Formats (142.199 KB)
In Unit 3, please find the Theme Web Template to help you plan your theme.
The theme is based upon the age or grade and the social studies theme you chose in Unit 2. 
The social studies theme-related activities you brainstorm for your theme web will help you in Unit 4 as you create your full lesson plan.  Remember that we have been examining and discussing developmentally appropriate, and culturally responsive practices and anti-bias goals and curriculum.  When planning theme-related activities, be sure to include both.
Please review the theme web example in the Unit provided for guidance on this assignment.
See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric.  Submit your completed assignment to the above submission link by 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 3.
Note: Many resources have been provided (Unit 1, 2, and 3) which can help you understand and brainstorm ideas about developmentally appropriate activities.
Watching segments can help you brainstorm your own ideas and activities for the theme web and planning form.  Here is one video you may find helpful.  Observed how cultural influences affect children’s play.

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