Assignment #10: (Mandatory) Based on the video The Color of Fear address four or

Assignment #10: (Mandatory) Based on the video The Color of Fear address four or more of the following themes (20 points): Remember it is important to make use of the readings and relevant theoretical concepts.
a)Describe the worldview i.e. cultural orientation of two or more of the various ethnic groups represented
b)What factors do you think need to be considered in explaining why the various individuals have different interpretations of what it means to be American?
c)Compare the ethnic identities of two or more of the characters using the models of ethnic identity presented in class. What factors do you think influenced their racial/ethnic identity development?
d)Discuss the theoretical basis of prejudice and racism in terms of explaining the race-related experiences of the various characters
e) Discuss the concepts of microaggression and internalized racism and how they were expressed by the characters in the video
f) Explain intra-group conflict i.e. conflict between ethnic minorities and the reasons why such conflict occurs
g) Discuss the issue of white privilege and how it is manifested particularly by the European American character

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