Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission re

Assessment Task
Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.
In the last decade and with the appearance of Big Data, companies that stored details of their clients are interested in applying data analysis methods to understand the behaviour of their customers and to make predictions that may help in future campaigns, promotions, communication and investing.
An important multinational company that manages car showrooms around the world, hires you as Business Consultant and facilitates for you a folder that holds a database called “cars_database” which contains data about the company, and a diagram to understand the structure of the database. The company aims to get valuable information and advice for future steps in the business.
Assessment Details
As a Business Consultant, you are required to:
Extract information that you consider valuable for the business and represent with this at least 3 descriptive visualisations using Tableau. (10 marks)
Find the total number of employees the company has and display a visualisation in Tableau showing the staff per country. (10 marks)
Find two appropriate variables from different tables and extract the information to perform a linear regression model with that data identifying possible relationship between the variables (you can use Python or Excel to achieve this point). Explain the outcome and visualise the data using Tableau. (20 marks)
Use an appropriate visualisation in Tableau to show the stock available per line of products. (5 marks)
Use an appropriate visualisation to show the current order’s status. (5 marks)
Find out the nationalities that are buying the cars in the different offices. Visualise this in Tableau showing the proportion per nationality in each showroom.
Benchmarking is a common strategy in business to compare business processes and performance metrics. Use your data and try this strategy comparing the performance of this business with other car showrooms. Find suggestions/recommendations/weaknesses for this company based on the insights that you gained in the previous points. Write a report for the company that includes:
-Introduction to the car industry.
– The outcome of all the points requested by the company.
– Conclusions with your recommendations applying benchmarking. (25 marks)
8) Create a separate document where you add all the reasoning behind your steps, the challenges you faced and how you solved them. (10 marks)
Observations about the assessment:
– You must use different data manipulation clauses to extract the information (e.g., JOINS, WHERE, BETWEEN, LIKE, etc)
– All your steps and logic behind the report must be documented in a written separate file (PDF format).
– Variety of visualisations is expected. You are allowed to perform visualisations using Python as well.
– You can perform additional models extracting different information that the mentioned in the points. In your report, you may need to extract valuable insights for your analysis, and if that is the case, feel free to do so.
– Your report must contain a minimum of 1500 words.
Submission Requirements
All assessment submissions must meet the minimum requirements listed below. Failure to do so may have implications for the mark awarded.
All assessment submissions must:
Submission of a zip folder with the documentation of your report (PDF format), csv files extracted from MySQL, Jupyter Notebook file, and the document with the reasoning behind your tasks (PDF format).
Submission of a zip folder with the documentation of your job in PDF format and MySQL file containing the code.
The report must have a minimum of 1500 words.
Use Harvard Referencing when citing third party material.
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In this assignment, I approached the given task by breaking it down into smaller steps to understand and solve the problem effectively. Here is a detailed explanation of the steps I followed and the challenges I encountered along the way:
1. Understanding the Query: The provided query is selecting data from the “orders” table and grouping it by the “status” column. The goal is to count the occurrences of each status.
2. Identifying the Tables: I checked the database schema and found that the “orders” table is the main table for this query.
3. Selecting the Columns: The query specifies to select the “status” column and count the occurrences. I used the “COUNT()” function for this purpose.
4. Aliasing the Count Column: To provide a more descriptive output, I used an alias “Status Count” for the count column.
5. Grouping the Data: Since we want to count occurrences by status, I used the “GROUP BY” clause and specified the “status” column to group the data accordingly.
6. Writing Python Code : I understand requirement properly and load the data for further manipulation and use pandas, seaborn & matplotlib to draw different charts.

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