As part of diagnosis we need to understand the different intervention programs t

As part of diagnosis we need to understand the different intervention programs that have been successful. You will have to research two of the reading intervention programs below and let me know which ones you have chosen.
In a PowerPoint , you will share the information found on the intervention program to the class. Your presentation should focus on the detailed summary of program, history of program the purpose/concepts of the program, its pros and cons, and any information you got and the bibliography used,
Reading Recovery
Project CRISS
Reading Naturally
Early Intervention in Reading
National Reading Styles Institute
4 Blocks Instruction
Daily 5
Project Read: Phonics
Open Court
One-to-One Teacher Tutoring with Phonics Emphasis
Head sprout
Read 180
Achieve 3000
PALS (Peer Assisted Learning strategies)
Quick Reads
Targeted Reading Intervention
Direct Instruction/ Corrective Reading

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