Answer the question below in 3000 words (not including references): Please read

Answer the question below in 3000 words (not including references):
Please read the New York Times article about Google’s two-tier employment system and its inequitable treatment of independent and temporary workers. Please also read the letter sent by a group of Democratic senators asking Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai to convert its 120,000 temporary and contract workers to full-time employees.
1) In your view, what would be the best way of balancing the interests of Google against those of employees and regulators?
2) What are the macroeconomic and strategic factors that drive large organizations such as Google to create more jobs using temporary work arrangements?
3) How would you decide which roles are suitable for temporary work arrangements and which ones are not? What are the common challenges faced while managing temporary workers?
4) What are the social responsibilities of businesses to workers and what are the relevant ethical issues to consider when designing roles that use temporary workers?
Ensure you draw on the theories and concepts covered on the course to inform this answer.

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