Address the following questions in an integrative reflection essay: Who do you s

Address the following questions in an integrative reflection essay:
Who do you say that Jesus is now at the end of this course? As before, this portion of the essay is a personal statement and no research is needed. You are NOT being asked about your faith in Jesus and you will NOT be graded on your faith stance. You should, however, aim to be as thorough and descriptive as possible in explaining your ideas. If, for instance, you believe things like Jesus is the Son of God or the savior, explain what those concepts mean to you.
Discuss how your understanding of Jesus at the end of the course compares to at least two of your specific ideas from the beginning of the semester as found in your “Who Do I Say Jesus Is?” paper.
Discuss how your understanding is similar to and different from Matthew’s understanding/portrayal of Jesus in at least three ways. You can and should make reference to key claims from your “Who Does Matthew Say Jesus Is?” paper.
Identify and describe two areas in your life where Matthew’s portrayal of Jesus might encourage you to think differently or to act in a different way. Be sure to describe both what would be different as well as how you respond to those ideas.

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