About BPH Medication Here is a list of points to cover in your report: 1. Black

About BPH Medication
Here is a list of points to cover in your report:
1. Black Box Warning
2. Indication (adult or pediatrics), FDA approval status
3. Dose adjustments
4. Contraindications
5. Precautions
6. Pregnancy category
7. Breastfeeding considerations
8. Drug interactions
9. Common adverse effects
10. Mechanism of action
11. Administration guidelines
12. Monitoring requirements
13. How the medication is supplied?
14. Cost information
15. Clinical teaching and appropriate counseling points from the pharmacist
16. Toxicology considerations
17. Clinical trials and special stories related to the class
If possible, consult an endocrinologist or other specialist to gain insight into their experiences with the selected class and learn about the minimum information that a pharmacist should know about it.
The assignment should be typed in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman font, size 11-12, with single or 1.5 line spacing. The report should not exceed three pages. Include a cover page with the student name , student ID number, and the topic title. Remember to add a separate references page at the end, following the appropriate referencing style (e.g., Harvard, APA, MLA). You must include at least five references. which is worth 10 points.
The assignment report is due on Friday, July 11, 2023, and should be submitted on Moodle by all students, including those in the same group. Additionally, you will be required to deliver a 10-15 minute presentation following a Pecha Kucha style, which is worth 20 points.
Please make sure to adhere to the guidelines and submit your work on time. Good luck with your assignment!

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