A communication must be made between a PIC 4550, in this communication it must b

A communication must be made between a PIC 4550, in this communication it must be possible to send a text or an image from an SD card to the display.
I will be attaching a project with the same functionality, but with a different TFT display.
SIMILAR PROJECT: http://ccspicc.blogspot.com/2017/08/display-BMP-images-from-FAT16-SD-card-on-ST7735-PIC18F4550.html
Compiler: CCS C
Display model: ILI9341 (no touch)
The process is simple. There is a D/C pin that allows switching between commands and data. When we select ‘data’, we send certain commands and their arguments to carry out the configuration.
After the configuration is complete, just send the pixels through the SPI, keeping the pin set to ‘data’
Notes: Contain commented C code; Simulation in Proteus; Connections between PIC, displat and SD card (schematic).

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