6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think Big T

6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think
Big Think
I grew up in a culture where taking something to alleviate negative feelings was the norm. When I began working for the VA, I examined the available treatments and conducted the initial study on the use of Prozac for PTSD.
Study Hack: Rethinking Conventional Drugs for PTSD Treatment
In a groundbreaking study, researchers investigated the effectiveness of Zoloft and other conventional drugs for treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Surprisingly, the results showed that these drugs did not yield significant improvements in patients’ condition.
This study challenges the conventional approach to PTSD treatment and calls for a fresh perspective. It’s time to rethink our strategies and explore alternative solutions.

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