1. How does implicit religion relate to the study of subcultures and post-subcul

1. How does implicit religion relate to the study of subcultures and post-subcultures, per Klassen’s text (RPC)? In 250-400 words, explain this connection and then apply it to an example of a subculture or post-subculture that is not provided in Klassen’s chapter on the topic (i.e., not Goth subculture, Burners/Burning Man devotees, etc. — any other examples are fine, including subcultures or post-subcultures that have emerged more recently than Klassen’s text was published).
2. Review the following video (the full URL is below, if the linked text doesn’t work for you), “Is Doctor Who a Religion?”. In the article, “Fiction-based Religion: Conceptualizing a New Category Against History-Based Religion and Fandom,” Markus Altena Davidsen states, “Despite their fictional basis, fiction-based religions are genuine religions because the activity and beliefs of which they consist refer to supernatural entities which are claimed to exist in the actual world… Fiction-based religion emerges when fictional narratives are used as authoritative texts for actual religious practice” (378). Drawing on Davidsen’s analysis and the ideas posed in this video, respond to the following prompt (in 350-500 words):
Fiction-based religions are directly related to specific media objects (books, shows, films, etc., in various fiction genres), whereby the world-creating within those media objects serves to orient individuals in the non-fictional (i.e. the “real”) world. When considering academic definitions of “religion” (such as those by Durkheim or Geertz, for example, discussed in this video and in various readings/classes this term), are you convinced by the thesis that fiction-based religions are “real” religions? If so, why (i.e., what criteria do these fulfill that grant them the status as “real” religions)? If not, why not (i.e., what criteria do they lack that would grant them the status as “real” religions)? Finally, what is at stake in determinations of what is or is not a “real” religion?

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