1. Compare and contrast two of the following types of social movements: alternat

1. Compare and contrast two of the following types of social movements: alternative, redemptive, reformative, and revolutionary social movements. (at least 150 words)
2. Several theories explain the birth and growth of social movements. Compare and contrast two social movement theories: deprivation (or relative deprivation) theory; resource mobilization theory; political process theory; structural strain theory; and new social movement theories. (at least 150 words)
3. Poverty in urban areas tends to perpetuate social deviance. GCU conducts community outreach to local areas that are struggling with poverty. After reading the Statement on Integrating Faith and Work document, how might the CWV influence the way to address this social problem? (at least 150 words)
4. Investigate and create a list of both informal and formal deviance (things that were/are against the law as well as those against social norms). Identify at a solution/technique/action that was used both historically and used in modern times, to control/react to the deviant behavior you listed. Discuss what the differences are and if the modern solutions are more effective than historical solutions and why modern solutions replaced historical ones. (at least 150 words).
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