″I want to make a report on the air conditioning status in the Bret project. Mai

″I want to make a report on the air conditioning status in the Bret project. Maintenance has been carried out on all external units and they are now working efficiently. Three high-pressure components have been replaced. All internal machine filters have been cleaned, as they were clogged with dust, affecting 40% of the air conditioning performance. Maintenance has been carried out on the internal fans and they are working efficiently. The gas pressure has been checked for seven air conditioners and they are now working efficiently.
During the on-site inspection, a new glass wall was noticed, which was recently constructed and is located 50 cm away from the external units. This has negatively affected the machines′ performance, as it is necessary for the machine to be at least 1.5 meters away from all sides to prevent hot air from returning to the compressor.″
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