Your task is to formalize and describe the mission and goals that you would like

Your task is to formalize and describe the mission and goals that you would like to see your organization pursue. The purpose of this first product is to capture the “soul” of the organization. 1) What is the mission of the organization? Even for-profit companies, where the mission is to maximize value for shareholders or the residual claimant, have a purpose for why they are pursuing a specific path or set of paths to maximize the organization’s value. Beyond stating the mission, you should give 300-500 words of commentary on the “why”: what is the why for this organization going forward? What will serve as the motivation for the life of this strategic plan? 2) What is the framing of this strategic plan? How much time with this strategic plan cover (2a) and who is the audience for the plan (2b)? 3) Finally, this phase of the strategic plan should answer what the intended outcomes will be, with a minimum of 7 Outcomes. As laid out in the Holley and Carr metrics reading Download Holley and Carr metrics readingOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader, what organizations do (outputs) should have a direct relation to some change in the world (outcomes). Beginning with the end in mind will allow you in the next phase to advance to this step. For Phase 1, you should turn in a document that outlines and describes these three sections. While much of your descriiption will not end up in the final product, it is important to motivate the document.
The organization is Chuck Fawcett Realty, which is a local real estate business. They are focused on family values since they are family owned and operated.

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